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 5th grade

Transitioning by Jessica Busser


During the fifth grade you’ll have lots of joyful experiences. you’ll have cheerful times, proud times, and irritating times as well. The teachers are delightful and mellow (most of the time). The rewards are very fun. Your backpack can be agitating. Fifth grade experiences can be both good and bad, (you’d probably prefer good ones though).


The teachers on this floor are great ! Although they all have things to watch out for. In Ms. Christoferson's class you should always be prepared. If you are not then you’ll have to sing (yes sing) the “Please Forgive Me” song, and sometimes the “Hero” song. Mr. VanBibber’s class is interesting. You start the chapter in the back. You do the vocabulary, then you look at the questions, after that you read the captions and look at the pictures.  When that's all done you read the chapter, from the front. Also if you cut the cheese in his class then you’ll be treated heavily with the febreze canister. He also gives people nicknames, like mine are Jehica, Magic School Bus, School Bus, Bus, and Jecicca. He gives people their nicknames based on their personality and events that happen throughout the school year. Mrs. Castillo is really awesome. She is awesome because if you work hard and are good in her class then you get a piece of candy. Sometimes we get more than one because she might give  a piece of candy to you every time you answer a question, or when you read. In Mrs. Brown’s class you can earn tickets to spend on rewards once your work is done.


On the third floor, if you’re good you get certain options of rewards. Other grades  have computers, and so do we. On them we can listen to music. We can only do this when we are allowed. We listen to music using Google Play Music, Spotify, and Pandora. If you get to do this, remember your headphones. We get to play computer games too. We play games on all different websites, like Funblocked and Coolmath. We are not allowed to play games during class, if we do then they will block that website.  During study hall you can pay a ticket to sit at the red curved table I call the “bean table,” because it looks like a big red jelly bean. The bean table is small. Not a lot of people can sit there at one time. We only do this when we’re allowed. Allowed is when you pay a ticket or the teachers tell you you can play.

A difference on the third floor is your classes are in different rooms, that’s probably why people on the second floor hear loud noises. This happens because of backpacks being set down, or us walking to the next class. Backpacks are crucial on

the third floor. We take them pretty much everywhere. We bring them to almost all our classes the only class we don’t take them to is specials. We  have to carry our notebooks in them for class. If you put too much stuff in them it can get heavy and irritating. As long as you don’t forget it will be fine.


In conclusion, your fifth grade will have perky, dignifying and temperamental experiences. You’ll experience the great teachers, the fun rewards, and the frustration of heavy backpacks. Fifth grade is amazing and fun. You should look forward to next year, because it will be absolutely the most fantastic grade ever!  

Favorite Place by Ava Griffin


Do you have a place where all your worries are no more? Because I do. It is a tree. I know what you are thinking, a tree house? No. Just a tree. Well, a tree as tall as a two-story house, width of two men, and branches wide enough to climb on. So I guess it is pretty awesome, Except for its color, gray. Like thunderclouds, like MICE, ew right? But did I mention that it is dead and has fallen over. There is a puddle of water underneath it. How deep I do not know, but as long as I’ve been there it has not been dry. Laying on your back, staring up at the sky, you will feel the bark underneath your fingers, like scaly dragon skin. It is both soft and rough at the same time, like a kitten’s fur and a dog’s teeth. Herong the deer make twigs crackle as they try to stay hidden from you, watch the jays fly around in the trees, and the branches of the tree, extended well over the puddle of water, even though my tree is on its side. Watch the clouds drifting over the tops of cottonwoods twice as tall as this tree. Look at the green leaves of the trees and bushes around you, blocking all the noise and other annoying things. The deer still making the twigs that they step on crackle as the sun starts to set, fills you with more warmth than even the magical scene of the black silhouettes of cows in the distance. When you see the purple and orange tints to the sky the sun adds, watch the river flow at the beach, and hear the familiar crackle of it to, as the water flows over rocks. Step onto the ankle-length grass and feel it prickling your feet as it does so. Watch the greenish tint of the grass fade away bit by it as the moon comes up from her hiding place. Look at the sun still setting and the moon still rising, and feel the cool wind buffeting your jacket. Fold up your blanket that you have laid on to make sure no ticks can get to you, and step once again up to the highest branch you dare to climb. Peek over the bushes that are as tall as you and that surround the tree, making natural tunnels. Watch as the maroon sky turns to a deep blue and then to a dark gray. Step off the tree’s rough and soft skin as you stray into the grass, away from the tree, with just enough light to see the way home. As you start up the deck, pick up Bently, your cat, and breath in her rough fur, smelling like lemons from the time you had just washed your hands and decided to give her a bath. Watch your tree ebb away in the darkness, and step up the ramp. What a beautiful place, My Favorite Place. “Dreaming of a place only shows that you love it, but going to a place is a thousand times better because you dream of it. “

- Ava Griffin

Surviving On Earth by Grayson Givens

Have you ever wondered how we survive on this floating, rotating orb we call Earth? Well, first is the sun, the hot star at the center of our solar system. Next is air, the gas that creates our atmosphere. And last, water, the liquid of life. Of course, there are much more imperative things, but those are the main three that keep you living.


The sun, the star at the center of our solar system, provides Vitamin D, light, and heat for us. Vitamin D is one of the major vitamins that we need to live. You also get Vitamin D from eggs, cheese, fish and milk. The sun also gives light for us to see. Imagine a whole world without the comfort of light: a vast space of darkness, where we know nothing of our surroundings. Last, heat. According to,the average body temperature needed to keep you alive is 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Without the sun, you’d be more than dead. Your body would be supercooled to about 10 degrees.

Without the sun, we’d definitely be dead.


Air, without which we would all be floating in an empty, lethally cold space of darkness.When most people think “air” they have the element Oxygen on their mind, the 8th element on the Periodic Table. Air actually consists more of Nitrogen than Oxygen! It has has about 70% Nitrogen and 30% Oxygen! Then, plants. You probably know what you breathe out, but where does all that Carbon Dioxide go? To the plants. They take in our Carbon Dioxide, and in exchange they give us Oxygen. CO2 helps plants to help us, and they get Photosynthesis. But what about Nitrogen? Theodore Gray cited that it helps keep you alive, too, just not as good as oxygen. Air is one of the most precious things to us, mainly because it can keep you alive.


Water, H2O, Agua, all of those are saying one thing- surviving. Water consists of Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms. You mainly want water to stay alive, because it can hydrate you. According to Popular Science, you need to drink about 2 liters of it to stay hydrated every day. Some scientists say that the first organisms were created and evolved in water. Water also gives us oxygen, the element of life.Water, with Oxygen, always keeps us alive.


To sum up, without the sun, water, and air, we would die.

Of course, other things are vital and imperative to our survival on this planet too, but none like the sun, water, and air. Obviously, the sun, water, and air keep us alive and moving every day.

WWII Planes by Kade Temple


In WWII the planes were different and less high tech than war planes are today. Some were fast some were slow.  The P-38 lightning, The Spit fire, and the P-51 mustang were big factors in WWII. Although, they were less high tech at the time.


The P-38 lightning helped the U.S.A win in WWII. It mounted 50calliber machine gun. It also mounted a 20 mal cannon. Acknowledged by Lockheed Martin. It was first concieved by Hall.H. The P-38 lighting had two super charged engines. With the two super charged engines the P-38 lightning could travel up to 400 miles per hour. P.S. the P-38 is my favorite plane from WWII . It really did help us  win WWII.


The spit fire could do some things no other planes could not do at the time. That thing is it could keep up with the geman fighters. The first prototype came out March 5, 1936 acknowledged by WWII It was really easy to handle. The spitfire was first piloted by Mutt Summer. The british were quite impressed. Fun fact over 1,500 spit fires were produced between 1939-1935.  If we did not have the spit fire we might have lost WWII.


Last but not least theP-51 mustang also played a big part in WWII. It was origanated in 1940. The P-51 first flew  on October 1940. Acknowledged by brittanica. com. The P-51 mustang mounted a  30 caliber machine gun. Some even had 4 20 mm machine guns. It also was a peice in the puzzle.


These three planes played a big part inWWII. The P-38 could go fast.The spit fire could kill german fighters. Last but not least the P-51 had great guns. All in all in the end we celebrated hard for the win.

Golden Retrievers by Mayah Stephens

Golden retrievers are funny, friendly, obedient dogs that loved to be played with. If you teach it well and treat it with care, it will be your fluffy companion forever. These dogs are always going to be by your side protecting and loving you for all of eternity. This dog breed is golden hearted and filled with beloved care. If you are thinking of getting a dog, get a Golden retriever.


Have you ever thought about getting a dog? If you have, consider a Golden retriever. Out of all dogs, they are pretty easy to train.You can teach them things like sit, come, roll over, and stay. Maybe even shake! It’s not like they were born trained, but when you teach them, it’s like they are. Though they are very energetic, they still listen and follow through with your orders. states these dogs are also great with strangers. This is great because when your dog meets a stranger (your friend or family member perhaps) they won’t bite or attack them. notes that getting a Golden retriever can help you and you and your family in life. They help children learn responsibility because you have to feed a dog, the kid is being responsible by feeding the dog. Golden retrievers also build family bonds. Your family might be watching a movie and your dog could come and make everyone feel even happier than they were. To add, Golden retrievers help you become a better person. They can help you emotionally and help you control anger.


If you have a Golden retriever and don’t know how to take care of it, you can learn how. In my opinion, it’s super easy to learn how to care for a Golden retriever. Like all dogs, golden retrievers need to be fed. One tip is to feed an adult 2 times a day. As puppies, they need to be fed more. I suggest feeding once in the morning, then again after school or anything you were doing that day. If you stayed home, feed it around the time you eat dinner. Also, you should give it a job once in a while. Maybe if you live on a farm you could make your dog herd animals. Goldens can’t sit around all the time. Speaking of which, give your Golden retriever attention. He/she will start whining and sometimes misbehaving. They might start begging for attention by being bad.


As you can see Golden retrievers are superb pets if you treat them right. When thinking of dogs, he first dog that should come to mind is Golden Retriever. These dogs are absolutely amazing family pets. Golden retrievers are my #1 choice. Are they yours?

Manta Rays by Emma Sewell

The day was about to come to an end. I really wanted to avoid the scariest moment of my life, I had to stay relaxed. I was anxious to get it over with, but the time was moving slowly, like every clock is behind. We were about to try our  wetsuits on.

“Emma are you ready?” mom asked.

“Be there in a second!” I yelled back nervously.

I picked up my book off of my bed to read, read in fear. I rushed to the car, got in my seat and was ready to go.

Five minutes later my older sister Katherine grunted while she was getting in the car. She was as exciting as an ordinary snail. Once everyone was in the car I realized it was time to go.

“Seatbelts?” my dad questioned.

“Yep,” we all said at the same time.

“Okay let's get on the road then.”

I wasn’t ready, I was nervous, so I started reading to bring my heart down a beat.

The time past quicker than before. We were already at the snorkel store. The paint was bright blue. We opened the door. I felt the sweat pouring down my face as I tried on my wetsuit. It fit! Why did it have to fit?

Before I knew what was going on, I found myself climbing up the steep stairs of the dark double decker boat. We sat on the back side of the boat. I looked at the stars up above wishing there would not be any monsters gliding through the salty sea water.

The motors came on, water splashed on the dock, we were on our way to nowhere. Soon the captain’s voice came through the speakers for the safety speech.

“Attention, you all will be getting a paper about the wonderful fish. We will be arriving at our destination in approximately thirty minutes.”

About five seconds later , I got my manta ray manual. I looked at it desperately. Were these words going to be the last I ever read?

After we were taught about the rays, we were told to get our snorkels on and jump into the water. We had to hold onto a floating platform with lights attached to the sides. Would this be my death bed?

The bright  lights came on. Slowly, little creatures called plankton came to the surface of the water.

First, it was a five foot long fin, then a tail, and finally a humongous mouth coming after me, woosh! It flipped just in time to miss me. Another one of the large creatures came around. Luckily it missed me again.

Suddenly I saw a fish hook sweep past me. It was connected to a manta ray!  I screamed, so loud I thought there was going to be an underwater earthquake causing a tsunami.

About five rays all together sweeping past us at the speed of well, let’s just say they aren’t that fast. It was a marine circus.

Soon I got to scared to watch anymore. I swam to the boat moving quicker than I ever had before.

I climbed up the steep mountain stairs. It was cold, as if I were on a glacier in Antarctica.

Once I got to the top, a young lady handed me a showerhead. I turned it on and warm water came pouring over me.

After that I was spoiled rotten until the end. I got warm delicious hot cocoa with melting marshmallows as flavorful as ice cream.

Everyone came one by one crawling like little ants up the boat. My parents were the last ones on, their smiles ear to ear, bigger than I have ever seen them smile before.

Once everyone was seated the captain’s voice came on the intercom asking, “did you all have fun?”

Most of the kids yelled, “Yes!” but I just sat there pretending I couldn’t hear him.

Now he said, “well good, we will be at the dock of Kona in about thirty minutes.”

After no time at all I could see all signs and sparkling street lights of paradise.

This was probably the greatest experience of my life. These creatures are peaceful and yet wonderful, they are amazing.

The Third Floor by Mia Stickens

The past year has been a delighting, but stressful, ride. Before you dive into the fifth grade, you should know about the routines. Considering you probably know most classroom expectations, they’re used a lot up here. They are really important. The teachers may seem strict, but they are just helping you learn. You should be warned to know what you should do that would please them and what not to do so they won’t get angry.

Most of the routines in fifth grade are short and stormless, like switching from classroom to classroom throughout the day. You gather up all your stuff and simply walk through the door to your next class. See? Easy and stress free. Going to your locker is a routine, even though most of us don’t use our lockers.  There just isn’t enough time to frantically grab everything before a class. You just have to remember to ask before going to your locker if you’re in class! Whenever it is time for recess and lunch though, things get a little livelier. Everyone’s excited for recess and hungry for lunch, which is why there is more movement and excitement. It’s pretty obvious that this is the most exciting transition of them all, just remember to keep quiet or you’ll have to wait and stay seated!

There are also classroom expectations.. Behaving with materials is one of them. You must be careful with them and use them properly. You also must learn to get along with other students. You should be upbeat about everything you do with another student, whether you like them or not. All our teachers won’t switch you with someone else unless you are doing something you aren’t supposed to be doing. Make sure you are listening to the teacher when they are talking or you’ll be in trouble with them and you might not earn anything from them. You’ll most likely be moved or something, so if you like your seat, don’t talk!

I should tell you about our third floor teachers. Mr. VanBibber sure can be grouchy (watch out!), but he’s one of the funniest teachers on the third floor. Mr. VanBibber mostly doesn’t care what you call him. Everyone usually calls him Bibber, Bibs, stuff like that. He gives you a nickname when you arrive on the floor, which is really cool. Mr. VanBibber teaches Social Studies. Next up is Ms. Chistoferson. She’s a great teacher. She’s upbeat, funny, and outgoing. Remember not to leave stuff in her class because she’ll make you sing! Ms. Christoferson teaches writing. Our math teacher is Mrs. Brown. She makes math fun, and let’s you earn tickets. She also lets you play fun math games if you earn it by behaving, like doing good on working quietly as a whole class. Mrs. Castillo teaches science. She gives you candy if you try hard on work (like getting a decent grade) or sometimes if you answer a question! Mrs. Castillo is also pretty funny. Our floor has a mix of nice, funny, sometimes stressing but caring teachers.

This fifth grade ride has been a full mixture of lots of feelings. It’s been exciting and tense, agitating but blissful. The routines have been boring. Classroom expectations have always been the same. The teachers have been amazing. What a bumpy ride. I hope you have a nice experience next year!      

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